a place
to push
your data.

The Internet of Your Things

Phant allows any widget or web service that can create an http request to post data to a centralized. Phant is built with node.js, released as open source, and designed from the start for flexibility and speed. We've built a free service at for you to use. Or you can install phant on your own server.

What types of projects would benefit from this service?

Almost anything. Your weather station in the backyard. A classroom of kids working on science experiments. A community concerned with pollution and crowdsourcing data collection. The weight of your pug's food dish. You get the idea. If your project can send an http request, you can push data out to our servers.

How can I give feedback about this project?

Send us an email:


Create a data stream and start pushing to it.


Download the source and run your own private server.


Explore all of the public data streams.


Read the docs to find out all of the nitty gritty.